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「beside」は「~のそばに」という日本語訳になり、とりわけ横方向の「そば・となり」であることを確認しましたね。「beside」は比較的カジュアルな表現であり、日常会話などでよく使用されます。一方で、接客用語や公的な場で「~のとなり」と言い表したい場合は「next to」がより適切だと言われていますよ。それでは、「beside」を使った例文を見ていきましょう。
・Kenta and Kana sit beside each other in the first section of the theater, because they’re really looking forward to the movie.
・I place a journal, on which my favorite actor is, beside(next to)my bed every night to dream of him.
・Can I sit beside(next to) you at dinner?
・The Ken’s wife is a good writer, besides being a great mother and taking care of three children by herself.
・There’s plenty of other things to do in Japan like to go to Akihabara, to see temple besides eating delicious Japanese food.
・The Arsene Lupine did steal a lot of jewels such as the diamond, but that is beside the point . He stole readers’ hearts at that time.